GD Stone Resource Guide
GRANITDESIGN Stone Guide Discover new products, information about stone, expert advice and more! Download Today
GRANITDESIGN Stone Guide Discover new products, information about stone, expert advice and more! Download Today
Découvrez le Dekton et différentes applications intérieures et extérieures.
Being ready for The Template Appointment Template is a crucial step that allows our team to finalize the project’s evaluation. Our technicians do more than simply measure. They must evaluate the complexity to access the site, the particularities that are present in your environment that could potentially impact installation, and determine subtle yet essential needs … Continued
Natural stones are unique and require us to be a little more understanding than with other manufactured materials like quartz or ultra-compact surfaces like Dekton. There are natural characteristics that made it possible for Mother Nature to create stunning mineral combinations that we can admire today. Here are the most frequent ones : Etching Etching … Continued
For several years now, natural stones have grown in popularity in the kitchen. However, we have also seen the amount of misinformation circulating on social medias and various websites about its resistance to stains. The anti-stain promise Through most of our distributors, you will have access to a wide selection of granites and quartzites … Continued
The fireplace is often a focal point in a room. It brings warmth and comfort, while adding style to your decor. Cobblestone and brick have been used for centuries, but what about more “modern” materials like quartz and Dekton ultra-compact surfaces? If you are planning on adding or updating a fireplace, here are a few … Continued
Create an Outdoor Living Space Our summers are precious! Each beautiful day, every warm evening spent in good company is a special moment. To maximize these times spent with loved ones, many are transforming their outdoor spaces to fit their lifestyle. The question that comes back often: can stone be applied to countertops even if … Continued
Que ce soit pour la pierre naturelle, le quartz ou la surface ultra-compacte, il suffit de peu pour entretenir votre surface.
You purchased a stone countertop through a GRANITDESIGN partner, and you can already picture your new kitchen! But what are the next steps? THE SCHEDULE Upon opening your project, we can confirm a template date, and a reminder is sent a few days prior. We can also provide the week at which the installation will … Continued